About a year or so ago while I was checking out some books at the library, I came across a magazine that should be in every homeschooling home. I was trying to find some ideas on how to do unit studies and was looking for how to manage home life with homeschooling life. This magazine was an answer to my prayers and now that I'm a subscriber, I make sure to tell all my homeschooling friends that they need to have this magazine!!! Just yesterday, I went fishing with my husband. I usually sit and crochet the entire time. I had just received the new issue in the mail and thought I would "scan" through it to see what was in it and then go back to crocheting. I literally read the magazine from cover to cover. Every article had something that I could use in my homeschooling, family and spiritual life!! There was even an article on all the cleaning benefits of vinegar. The last issue addressed how do deal with being unhappy with your life and was filled with Bible verses to help you deal with the various stresses in your life. I also love to go through the advertisements and see what other resources are available to the homeschooling family. This month they have a special promotion where they are giving away 19 gifts to the first 5,000 subscribers!! Click on the image above to get all the details!!
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