Saturday, November 29, 2008
I've Been Tagged!!!!
1 Cold Case
2 CSI Miami
3 The Unit
4 Real Housewives of Orange County
5 The Hills
6 Project Runway
7 Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Making the Team 3
8 Jon & Kate Plus 8
8 favorite restaurants:
1 Applebees
2 San Pedro (New Mexican Restaurant in town)
3 Mongolian Grill
4 The Canteen Grill
5 Whiskey Creek
6 Kobe Japanese Restaurant in Omaha
7 Lazy Flamingo in Bokeelia Florida (gorgeous and loved the Pier!)
8 Bert's Bar & Grill in Matalcha, Fl (this is where you get to watch dolphins swim right by the restaurant!!! so cool we got to see a momma and her baby!!! Brandon saw a Manatee in the water!!
8 things that happened today:
1 Got to sleep in!! Woohoo!!
2 Worked on My Graphics Store
3 Photographed New Items for Websites
4 Added two items to my Etsy Store
5 Added items to my Website Store
6 Fixed Homemade Chicken Fried Steaks & the fixings for family
7 Worked on some new designs
8 Worked on this Tag List!!
8 things I look forward to:
1 Christmas With My Family
2 Church Tomorrow!
3 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button coming out December 25th!
4 Someday taking a mission trip to Mexico
5 Retirement with my hubby
6 Grandbabies (way, way in the future!! lol)
7 Snow (yes I wish it would snow)
8 Spring (but not too much winter...just enough to take boys sledding)
8 things on my wish list:
1 Pay off my student loans
2 Getting the house organized
3 Going to Australia
4 Visiting Europe...especially Germany and Sweden where most of my ancestors came from!
5 Getting debt free
6 Taking the boys to Florida again....this time to Disney World
7 Raising three Christian boys that will become good husbands and fathers
8 Writing Christian Music or a book that I can get published
8 people I tag today:
1 Ronna
2 Sky
3 Nette
4 Francoise
5 Melissa
6 Janna
7 Christina
8 Marvin B.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Blessings
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hey Becky!!!
Look What the Edwards Boys Can Do!!!
I've told the story about Jonathan surfing down the stairs on the crib mattress before, but I thought the days of stair sledding and surfing had ended when I threw out the mattress. Well after reading my friend Becky's blog, I was telling my husband about how Becky's three boys had used a clothes basket to go down the stairs!! Well my husband being the wonderful athlete and child at heart that he is, decided that our boys needed to try that trick too. Well the boys were not too keen on the clothes basket, and instead opted to take the tote lids from their toy boxes and turn them into sleds. The video above is Josiah who was thrilled that Daddy was letting them do something adventurous and Mommy was not freaking out!!! I have to admit, it was very, very, funny!!!!
Project Emily
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Flashback and a S.H.M.I.L.Y. to my husband!!
So I was searching around for videos from my high school days and found one of my all time favorites. I remember when this video came out and being a young girl hoping someday I would find the love of my life. I have found him and it's the most amazing love I could ever imagine. Move forward to a few years ago when we attended a Bible study with some friends of ours about Marriage and Family. The couple leading the group told us about a romantic game that they played together called S.H.M.I.L.Y. (See How Much I Love You). So this is how the game is played. You leave a note or something for your spouse somewhere and then have the letters "S.H.M.I.L.Y." on it. The more creative the better. I have put notes on the mirror in lipstick as well as love notes in his train lunch box. Once you get one, the recipient has to figure out a way to give you the S.H.M.I.L.Y. back!! My favorite was the roses one!! Ray this is my S.H.M.I.L.Y. to you baby!! I'm sorry we haven't done this in awhile with all the distractions but wanted to dedicate this song to you and let you know how much I love you. I adore our friendship more than words can say!! (I hope you read this!! lol) ....So to my readers out there I challenge you to S.H.M.I.L.Y. your spouse this week and then post back here and tell me your G-Rated S.H.M.I.L.Y. stories!!! Have fun loving your spouse this week!! Remember, Marriage may be work sometimes...but it is also supposed to be fun!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I Can't Hear You!!!

It starts as a soft call to your children at the bottom of the stairs to come and get their reply comes from above. You raise your voice just slightly higher and try again....still no reply comes from above. You raise your voice to the highest decibel possible and all of the sudden three little bodies come down the stairs and in unison say "Sorry Mom we couldn't hear you." Now on the other hand you call to your children in that same soft voice that they can have pizza for breakfast and all three little bodies come traipsing down the stairs in record speed. Likewise if my husband calls to the boys in his normal daddy voice they come barreling in the room as well. My mom would probably agree that I had this same wonderful sense of hearing as a young child and especially as a teenager. She would agree that I was able to tune out what I didn't want to hear, especially if I was in trouble or was being asked to do more chores. I imagine all moms at one time or another go through this wonderful phase where their children "can't hear" them with their amazing sense of selective hearing. Oh I love when you tell all three of them to not take any snacks from the refrigerator because we have a huge dinner planned and all THREE of them some how mosey to the door and get caught sneaking a snack. I remind them that there were no snacks before dinner and amazingly all THREE of them state "Oh, sorry mom, I didn't hear you!" In college we studied this amazing phenomenon and the thing is...we hear just about everything that creates an audible sound....the problem is...most of the time we do not actually LISTEN." Hearing is just the mere physical aspect of the sound being processed by the ear, while listening is actively engaging the brain in the reception of the message and processing that information for a response either in verbiage or in action. I have to admit that sometimes I tend to be a poor listener as well. My brain flies at about a million miles a minute...constantly thinking about future projects, designs and what I will be doing in five minutes. I have to actively shut down all the "extra" stuff so that I can actively engage in a conversation without getting distracted. I think most women probably agree that we will listen for noises from our children while talking to our husbands or will be planning dinner when on the phone with a friend because that's how God made us. I find that even in my prayer and Bible reading time that I have to actively focus on the Word and Him so that my mind doesn't wander into the ponderings of womanhood!! I found it easiest when I journal my prayers and thoughts because then I can categorize them and focus on what God's message is for me. I have to be quiet, sit still and focus to hear from God too because he's always trying to talk to me too. Like I constantly tell my kiddos "Listen to me I'm trying to tell you something". I can imagine that God is up there in heaven saying the same thing to me!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Taking the B&W Challenge - Part 1

I saw this awesome challenge on my friend's blog and decided to take the plunge as well. Springtreeroad is challenging new and seasoned photographers to photograph in black and white this month!! I decided to try a few shots yesterday and ended up taking over 20!! These were taken in our indoor garden. I'm hoping that since it snowed last night that I can get out and take some more pictures!! Click on the image below to find out more about this amazing challenge!!
Tribute to the three Veterans in my life!!!

The second veteran I pay tribute to is my Grandpa, Clark Henry Schroder. He served our country during World War II. Many of his friends were killed during the attack on Pearl Harbor. My grandfather was an amazing Christian man and although he is no longer with us, I know that someday I get to hang out with him in heaven.
The third veteran I pay tribute to is my brother Michael V. Schroder. Mike has served our country in two terms over in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is very proud to serve our country and I'm proud to call him my brother.
I could go on and on about these three wonderful men who have dedicated their service to our country and their families. God bless all those who have served or are serving our country. We need to thank them every day for fighting for the freedom that we sometimes take for granted.
Our Corn Harvest!!!
All summer long we have waited for the price of corn to drop so that we could stock up on corn for the corn stove. It finally did so Ray and or neighbor trecked down to the coop and purchased a truck load of corn. The boys have an absolute blast "unloading" the truck and putting the corn into the storage containers. It snowed last night and boy did that warm cornstove come in handy!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
It's the End of Me
My Heart Belongs to Him
As a child my mom and dad brought to me to believe that if I worked hard enough I could achieve my dreams. I set off for college believing I could conquer the world and that those dreams would eventually come true. I lived for the moment in college turning against the God who loved me more than anyone. I decided that it was all about me and all about what I wanted in life. When you are young it's so easy to judge all those around you and point out their every flaw. I don't know how many times as a young woman I thought I had all the answers to life and that those that didn't agree with me were beneath me. I kept my purity all through highschool and didn't hesitate to judge those girls that didn't do likewise. After I messed up the first time in college, I thought there was no more turning back to the purity and truth that I once lived. I spent five years doing what I wanted in life. Life was about me and what I wanted, I didn't care that the path that I was taking would be something that those who hate me would use against me for the rest of my life. As I sat on the floor a few months before graduation filling out my LSAT application, I believed that I was one step closer to being the person I always dreamed of being. Law school was my dream and I spent all of my free time studying and making future plans for my life. God had a different plan for my sin caught up to me I learned that I was expecting a child and I wasn't married yet. I fell to my knees and cried for days believing that my dreams were over that my plans were through. I didn't realize that the new path that I would be taking would be far more rewarding and far more fulfilling than the dream of being an attorney.
When I was nine months pregnant, I went to a contemporary service at my parents' church and after the message, I almost ran to the altar to fall before God's feet to ask him to take control of my life again and help me to make the right choices in my life. On January 6, 1996, I became a mother for the first time. I held a precious gift from God and was given another chance to become the woman that God wanted me to be. From that moment on I have embarked on a journey with God. Trying to do what is right but sometimes still making choices that aren't the best for myself or those around me. I'm a work in progress, an unfinished piece of pottery. I've been tested in the fire and have failed time and time again.
I'm the kind of person that always wants to fight for what is right and what is true I always want to defend the honor of those whom I love. I'm the kind of person that wants peace and wants to be thought well of. I have this stupid idealistic dream of everyone getting along in this world without fighting and hurting each other. Unfortunately, the reality is there are those that want to persecute me at all cost even to death. There are those have chosen me as the target of their anger and bitterness. There are many that do not even really know me or know the person that I am. They do not know how many times I have cried myself to sleep on a pillow. God knows my heart, he knows who I am he hears my cries and knows my struggles. God forgives! God loves! God heals! It's not about me or trying to please everyone around me. It's not even about what I want anymore, It's about HIM and what his ultimate plans are for me!! I believe that the hurt that I feel is not only a product of my sin and choices but an opportunity for God to continue to make me a better person.
David who also fell so many times into sin once said, "Lord, how they increased who trouble me! Many are those that rise up against me. Many are they who say of me, 'There is no help from him in God.' But You, O Lord are a shield for me. My glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people. Who have set themselves about me all around. Arise, O Lord; Save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone; You have broken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongs to the Lord. Your blessing is upon Your people." - Psalm 3
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Video That Always Makes Me Cry!!
Ask Not What God Can Do for You But What You Can Do For God!!!
Today Ray and I watched Amazing Grace the story of William Wilberforce. I have wanted to watch this movie since it game out in the theaters and then again on DVD, but just never have had the time to get the video or actually sit down and watch it. I have to say I was quite moved by Wilberforce's story and how he used his new found love in Christ to achieve extraordinary accomplishments within the British Parliament and his country. I believe like Wilberforce, that we can achieve great things through Christ who strengthens us. The story also briefly touches the life of Rev. John Newton who was a sea captain and slave trader and later became an Anglican priest. Rev. Newton is the writer of the hymn that has been heard throughout the world "Amazing Grace". Wilberforce, Rev. Newton and many other great men were instrumental in the cause for the abolition of the slave trade in England. The hymn "Amazing Grace" known by so many of us clearly speaks out God's love for us and despite our shortcomings and sins, His forgiveness is unending and His grace so completely amazing. I've done so many things throughout my life that I'm not very proud of, but I know because I have given these things to the one that gave His only son for me that my chains are gone and I am completely set free from them. God forgives and gives ALL grace when they confess their sins, accept Him and give their hearts and lives to Him. We all fall short of perfection in God's eyes but it is because of His son's death on the cross that we can someday meet at His feet and fellowship with Him. God also has amazing earthly plans for us as well. He wants to use our talents, our gifts and our willingness to serve Him to achieve great things for our world and it's people. Like William Wilberforce and so many who have listened to God's calling we can achieve great things!! If you notice in the video there are wood burnings in the piano that also give each one of us a message of God's love and purpose for our lives. Have an amazing Saturday and a blessed Sunday! - Sheri
Friday, November 7, 2008
Agape Bebe Crochet Tractor Booties
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Let it snow!! Let it snow!!!
Jonathan Playing Soccer!!
Brandon's Tackle!!
We were so incredibly proud of Brandon this year in football. Each year Brandon continues to improve. This is just one of his many tackles! I didn't do as well as I did last year trying to catch all his plays! As you can imagine the buttons on his dad's shirt were bursting open!!

Our second ceremony was on August 19th, 2000. Since we were already married, this was more of a celebration for our friends and family. I was kind of bummed that day because it poured rain. The actual wedding was supposed to be outside in this park with greek columns and a lake. It would have been absolutely awesome, but with the help of some really dear friends from work and my family, we were able to turn the reception hall into a mock wedding site!! I'm still thankful to my mom and grandma for all the work they did on the decorations!! I think they must have spent hours doing them!! I have a bazillion pictures of this wedding which most of you have already seen!! And yes....Jonathan was there too, as happens with mostly newlyweds, we were pregnant before the second ceremony! I'm so glad I didn't take the dress in to get it altered! lol!!

Many of our friends and family already knew this, but I loved Ray so much I had to marry him twice!! Our first official ceremony was May 26th, 2000!! In all seriousness, we had planned on waiting until August, but for spiritual as well as legal reasons, we decided to go ahead and get married secretly with our friends and a beloved and friend Pastor Richard Jacobson!! I finally was able to find the pictures I had scanned several months ago and have started getting them all cut, pasted and digitalized so I can share them with my family and friends!! Our computer did a freak out a few months ago and we almost lost everything!! Thank goodness I back everything up on CDs!! lol!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
As it gets closer and closer to Christmas Day, I am eagerly awaiting The Curious Case of Benjamin Button to come out. For those of you that do not know, in 2006 I was hired to make prop afghans and then later other crochet props for the Brad Pitt movie that will be coming out on Christmas Day this year. The blanket I made can be seen right at the beginning of the movie when the baby is laid down on the stairs and then in front of the doctors. I have yet to see the other props that I made for the movie. I made two starter scarf projects, some afghan squares and some crochet washclothes as well. The website for the movie is here!!
Benjamin Button Movie Website
Funny thing for me is that it wasn't just that I had a bad day on Monday! It was the entire weekend!!!